Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service (ADIRS): 1-866-980-9099
ADIRS is a telephone helpline available toll-free to all Yukoners. The service is free, completely confidential and is available 24/7.
Yukoners can call the line anyonymously and get information on a variety of local alcohol and drug services, including detox and counselling.
Helpline: Kaushee’s Place Crisis Line: 1-867-668-5733 (24 hours)
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Northwest Territories
NWT Help Line: 1-800-661-0844
The NWT Help Line is a service that is provided by volunteers. All Help Line volunteers want to help others and are trained to help callers in the following areas:
- Stress Management
- Suicidal Thoughts
- Abuse
- Sexual Assault
- Depression
- Substance Abuse
- Feeling Alone
- Worries about having unsafe sex
- Conflict with family members or friends
- Referral to others who may be able to help you
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Nunavuat Kamatsiaqtut Help Line
Serving Nunavut and Nunavik (Arctic Quebec)
Crisis 7pm-11pm (Eastern Standard Time) 7days/week: 1-800-265-3333
Crisis 7pm-11pm (Eastern Standard Time) 7 days/week: (867) 979-3333
Nunavut Kamatsiaqtut Help Line provides an anonymous and confidential telephone counselling and contact service for northerners who need to talk about personal problems or who are in crisis.
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Newfoundland and Labrador
Mental Health Crisis Line: Toll Free 1-888-737-4668 (737-4668 in the St. John’s area)
Help Lines: http://www.health.gov.nl.ca/health/findhealthservices/helplines.html
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Prince Edward Island
Island Helpline: 1-800-218-2885
A 24 hour, bilingual, toll free, confidential and anonymous telephone service available to all Islanders. Island Helpline is operated by staff who are trained to listen and help callers generate solutions to problems. Island Helpline provides information, support or help in a crisis.
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Nova Scotia
Mental Health Crisis Line: 1-888-429-8167
The Mental Health Crisis Line is available 24/7 to all Nova Scotians.
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New Brunswick
Chimo Helpline: Toll Free 1-800-667-5005, Fredericton Area 450-HELP (4357)
Chimo is a provincial crisis phone line, that is accessible 24hrs a day, 365 days a year to all residents of New Brunswick
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Intervention Line: 1 866-277-3553 (APPELLE)
If you think that there is no solution to your problems, if you are in psychological distress or if you are planning an irreparable gesture to end your suffering, be aware that it is always possible to find a solution and to be helped.
Talk to someone who will not judge you and will listen to you.
No matter what your age, at anytime you can call the Quebec Suicide Intervention Line.
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Crisis Line: Within Ottawa 613-722-6914, Outside of Ottawa 1-866-996-0991
Our professionally trained volunteers are there to answer your call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They will provide support in a crisis and can transfer your call to the local crisis team if needed.
Mental Health Helpline: Free Health Services Information 1-866-531-2600
The Mental Health Helpline provides information about mental health services in Ontario. We are funded by the Government of Ontario.
Our service is live answer 24/7, confidential and free.
Child, Youth and Family Crisis Line (for Eastern Ontario): In Ottawa: 613-260-2360, Long distance toll-free: 1-877-377-7775
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Manitoba Suicide Line – 1-877-435-7170
A toll-free, 24-hour, confidential service staffed by caring and compassionate counsellors who will listen and support.
Klinic Crisis Line 1-888-322-3019
The Crisis Program operates the crisis phone line that offers confidential counselling, support and referral. Counsellors are there to help improve the quality of life of our callers and to prevent suicides. The Crisis Line and Manitoba Suicide Line operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. What is crisis? A crisis is a time in your life when you feel like you can’t cope.
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HealthLine 8-1-1 healthlineonline.ca
A confidential, 24-hour health information and support telephone line, staffed by Registered Nurses, Registered Psychiatric Nurses and Social Workers. The professionals who work at HealthLine are experienced and specially trained to help you make decisions about your health care options. They can help you decide whether to treat your own symptoms, go to a clinic, see your primary health care provider, or access emergency medical care, if necessary.
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Mental Health Help Line 1-877-303-2642
Staffed 24/7 by health professionals, the Mental Health Help Line provides: crisis intervention; information on Mental Health programs and services; and referral to other agencies where appropriate. This confidential, anonymous service is provided by Health Link Alberta and is available to all Albertans.
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British Columbia
Service BC – 1 800 663 7867 online www2.gov.bc.ca/
“Service BC can help you contact the program, service or person that you need to speak to from 7:30am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday.
Nurses Help line – 8-1-1 online at http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/
Call from anywhere in British Columbia to speak with a nurse any time of the day or night.
Crisis Line 1-800-SUICIDE youthinbc.com
The Crisis Centre has been providing emotional support to youth, adults and seniors in distress. Call any time of day or night.
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